This webinar opens with insights on the reasons why business owners lose sleep at night or experience stress and anxiety in their waking hours. It identifies what drives entrepreneurs and motivated business people to face the challenges of owning and running an enterprise rather than being an employee.
The session uncovers the key business challenges and stress points in business and then identifies solutions, work-arounds and revised practices to remove or reduce the negative effects for owners. Attendees will learn that the challenges of business can be cathartic and, if approached positively with energy and commitment, can be inspiring and rewarding.
By the close of the webinar, attendees will be able to assess whether their challenges are unique or they align with their contemporaries in business. They should feel fortified with new resolve and equipped with approaches to counter the issues confronting their businesses. Attendees will feel confident that they have the tools to minimise stress and to enjoy the rewards of running a successful business.
The workshop will provide business owners with:
- A reminder of the responsibilities they must take on to run their businesses successfully
- A review of the most common business challenges that create stress
- Remedies to effectively combat the challenges of running a business and enable business owners to feel in control of their destinies.
- This webinar is aimed at small businesses throughout NSW, and has a capacity to host up to 50 people.
- This webinar is for business owners who have just started a business or have an established business.
- This webinar will take place on Zoom, click above to register. You will receive the Zoom link in an email prior to the workshop. This will be a live online event.
- Attending and logging into the live zoom will come out of your allocated business connect hours.
This session is provided through the Business Connect program. Business Connect is a dedicated and personalised NSW Government program that provides trusted advice to help you start, run, adapt or grow your small business.
To attend the workshop we require you to be registered in Business Connect. A team member from Realise Business will be in touch with instructions if you are not registered.
Realise Business provides confidential, independent business advice and skills training for small businesses across Northern, Eastern, Southern and Central Sydney, as part of the NSW Government’s Business Connect program.
Geoff Silk is a businessman and coach who provides business advice based on many years of experience working with new, developing and established businesses. He interacts diligently with business owners selling products and/or services, to achieve their aspirations and goals.
His pragmatic approach has helped hundreds of businesses to flourish and perform successfully. Geoff is also a facilliator of a Realise Business Mastermind group. In 2016, Geoff
was recognized as Best Metropolitan Advisor in Australia by Business Enterprise Centres, Australia.
Realise Business is Not-for-Profit, and funded by all levels of Government, which means you can get advice from our highly experienced business advisors for a fraction of the cost of private business coaching. Find out more
By attending this event you agree that Realise Business may use photographs or video footage taken of yourself during the event for marketing purposes; including DVD production, posting on the Realise Business website, and or social media platforms, or for future
Realise Business events.