Mami Watta Collections brings handmade jewellery to Australia from Indigenous tribes in Colombia. With a strong product and point of difference, founder Ana Maria Parada, sought the advice of Realise Business Specialist Marketing Advisor, Sara Berry, on the best ways to promote Mami Watta Collections to the world.
Mami Watta Collections was struggling to get enough sales through the distribution of their jewellery in the markets and retail outlets of Surry Hills. Business owner, Ana, contacted Business Connect to help understand her options and build her online presence. Ana met with Sara Berry, an expert in disruption and marketing through digital channels, to develop a strategy for business growth.
‘The light rail was disturbing my business and it was becoming less and less approachable as construction continued. Overall business started going down and I knew I needed help from local government,’ Ana said.
Ana and Sara quickly commenced regular business advisory sessions to discuss marketing goals, website development, and to strategise ways to leverage the social media promotion of the business.
Advisor Sara and Ana created a business strategy and went through everything from working out the core of the business to developing and telling the hero story online. Ana successfully launched her new collection and got the online store up and running.
They also worked together on a PR plan and got Mami Watta a spot on television on channel 10, and in the national press, Weekend Australian magazine and in specialist magazine, Peppermint.
Since working with Business Connect, Mami Watta Collections has had a 610% increase in total sales through the online shop, with a conversion rate of 414% (the percentage of sessions that resulted in orders).
‘As well as the increase in sales, Sara helped with lots of connections and publicity.’
About Mami Watta Collections
Ana Maria Parada is the founder of Mami Watta Collections, where she trades with groups of artisans from across the globe, establishing long-lasting connections with families to support their craft-making and provide them with tools to help them to continue to protect their precious cultures.
Through Mami Watta Collections she supports the sustainable development of the artisans and showcases the technical and ancestral artisan-ship of the crafts. Ana co-designs the works, and works on a collection at a time, to join tribes based on common visions.