Are you looking to accelerate the growth of your business? Then you’ll need a plan. Because as the saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”.
In this insightful and business-changing 3hr workshop, an experienced Realise Business Advisor will take you on a journey from traditional to contemporary business planning techniques, goal setting and financial planning; through to building your 3 year strategic plan and a 12 month timeline. You’ll leave this workshop feeling motivated towards your new business goals, and clear on what you need to do to plan for the growth of your business. Following the workshop, participants who have not already utilised their full Government subsidised allowance can arrange a follow up business advice session with a Business Advisor of their choice for up to 4 hours for free!
Learning Outcomes
- Better prepare for, and navigate your way to accelerated business growth
- Build a business ‘roadmap’ to set you on your way to growth
- Assess and work on your business 3 year strategic plan
- How to build a 12 month timeline to help you put your plan into action
- Understand financial planning, pricing and profitability
- Better understand the key numbers and indicators of success for your business
Other Workshops
Only just getting started? Try our Start a Business Workshop first.
Need help with your marketing plan? Try our Marketing for Growth Workshop.