Whilst big business often have SEO / IT professionals on staff or at the very least on permanent contract, SME’s simply can’t afford that luxury and more often than not they rely on SEO / Web Design companies to keep them competitive online. The problem is that most so called SEO companies take advantage of the fact that the average SME is for the most part ignorant of what SEO is, how it works, what it costs and how it is implemented on the SME’s website.
As one of Australia’s oldest and most respected SEO / Web Design companies we believe in total transparency. So when we find ourselves in front of a group of business people we provide a comprehensive PLAIN ENGLISH explanation of:
- What is SEO
- Why SEO is Important
- How SEO is Implemented on a Website
- Why Does SEO take Time To Work
- How You Can Track Your SEO Results In real Time
- What Type of Website is Best For Your Business
- Why Your Hosting Company is Important
- Why Your URL is Important
- What Happens When Customers Come to your Website
- How To Track Customers Who Visit Your Website
- How To Recognise Trends (good or bad) on Your Website
- How To Promote Your Website
- The Importance of Social Media to Your Business
- Why both Good and Bad Feedback is Important to Your Online Reputation
As well as covering the above 14 points we also allow plenty of time to answer questions. Our “casual” approach encourages people to ask us questions which they may otherwise not ask for fear of looking silly. We find that our question / answer sessions are often identified as the most valuable parts of our presentation by many attendees.
We are never afraid of telling people how to “fix” their SEO or Website problems themselves. However these “fixes” are rarely easy or straightforward and we find that in many cases attendees will follow up with us to quote on doing the work. Some are perfectly capable of doing it themselves and we take great satisfaction in being able to help SME’s solve their own problems by using our advice.
Our presentations are structured around the time we have available. Obviously the longer we have the more we can give but the bottom line is that time is limited and we always work to the parameters we are given.
Friday March 11, 2016